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Sydney to Mooloolaba Yacht Race 1975

LocationSydney to Mooloolaba

Sydney to Mooloolaba Yacht Race 1975

Below is a list of boats entered in the 1975 Sydney to Brisbane Yacht Classic

Sail No. Yacht Skipper LOA Designer
2001 Odyssey W. J. Gleeson 34' Duncanson
1059 Boomaroo III H. Findlay 34' S & S
1447 Ali Baba B.P. Walpole 34' Duncanson
MH232 Harmony G. B. Foster 32' Swanson
1200 Onya of Gosford P. Rysdyk 31' Cole
MH222 Willi Willi J. Hawley 43' Joubert
14 Storm Bay M. Tyquin 31' Cole
1141 Lowana II J. Flynn 37' Anderson Brothers
MH44 Gillawa A. J. Wildman 36' Swanson
1611 Camille I. Potter 36' Swanson
5 Ruffian J. Kinsella 43' Cole
262 Helsal A. Fisher 72' Adams
33 Aeolus R. Canniffe 36' Canniffe
387 Myuna II E. Kindred 34' Duncanson
65 Dancing Mouse C. McGarry 35' Miller
1292 Hustler B. Climo 45' Spencer
MH13 Voodoo E. G. Nicholls 31' Adams
357 Ballyhoo J. Rooklyn 65' Halvorsen & Gowland
"M.Y. South Pacific" Sydney to Brisbane Relay Vessel
3rd Year it has been the relay boat. Has also been relay boat for 
2 Montague Island Races 
1 South Solitary Island Race 
Inaugural Lord Howe Island Race in 1974, and
Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 1974
"South Pacific will this year have 2 S.S.B./D.S.B. radios on loan for the International Transceiver which company has loaned to the "South Pacific" for the last 2 years. to improve communication between "South Pacific" and MHYC - Mooloolaba Yacht Club.
South Pacific has travelled under the "Little Ships Club flag on all of its trips. She is the only registered British ship with the name "South Pacific" in the world. "South Pacific" has a sail bag which contains a bright yellow flag with a green palm tree. (where are the 'nuts' Ron).
MHYC sincerley thanks Ron Youngman, the Little Ships Club and International Trancievers Pty. Ltd., Brookvale, NSW.
Crew in 975 Sydney to Brisbane Race
Ron Youngman and Judy Youngman - G.F. Ron Youngman is a member of "Little Ships Club Queensland" and on the committee as the NSW Liaison Officer.
Gilbert Thomas (Tig) - Vice Commodore of MHYC
Marcus Miller (has been past two years and lives in Newcastle. Marcus is a member of the "Little Ships Club Queensland".
Dr. Harry Hughes (resides in Brisbane), also Commodore of "Little Ships Club Queensland" - last year was Rear Commodore of that club. Dr Hughes flys down and crews back, also owns a 45' motor cruiser in Brisbane called "Nagari"

1975 Results

Sydney to Mooloolaba Race1975
Sydney to Mooloolaba Race1975
Sydney to Mooloolaba Race1975
Sydney to Mooloolaba Race1975

 Results of the 1975 Sydney to Mooloolaba Race

Place Sail No. Yacht Skipper LOA Designer Time Corrected Time
1 14 Storm Bay M. Tyquin 31' Cole 04.53.40 62.03.32
2 1200 Onya of Gosford Peter Rysdyk 31' Cole 05.37.20 62.34.32
3   Ruthless       22.08.53 62.41.44
4 MH232 Harmony G. B. Foster 32' Swanson 03.52.05 62.51.31
5  MH114 Rough Red  Keith LeCompte     04.03.05 63.36.55
6 1059 Boomaroo III H. Findlay 34' S & S 05.08.06 63.48.57
7 1447 Ali Baba B.P. Walpole 34' Duncanson 02.22.37 64.07.59
8   Bushwacker       00.00.52 64.08.48
9 MH44 Gillawa A. J. Wildman 36' Swanson 02.40.19 64.26.28
10 33 Aeolus R. Canniffe 36' Canniffe 06.50.15 64.51.56
11 65 Dancing Mouse C. McGarry 35' Miller 04.44.15 65.01.36
12 1611 Camille I. Potter 36' Swanson 02.16.46 65.02.34
13   Pegasus       02.10.50 65.06.18
14 MH222 Willi Willi J. Hawley 43' Joubert 18.25.12 65.36.18
15 1141 Lowana II J. Flynn 37' Anderson Brothers 02.15.15 65.47.41
16 5 Ruffian J. Kinsella 43' Cole 23.06.55 66.00.08
17 387 Myuna II E. Kindred 34' Duncanson 03.53.10 66.08.14
18 2001 Odyssey W. J. Gleeson 34' Duncanson 04.20.57 66.18.02
19 1292 Hustler B. Climo 45' Spencer 18.13.23 66.28.29
20 MH13 Voodoo E. G. Nicholls 31' Adams 14.30.00 68.52.47 23/3/75
21 357 Ballyhoo J. Rooklyn 65' Halvorsen & Gowland 08.33.26 70.29.50
22 262 Helsal A. Fisher 72' Adams 14.23.35 77.48.33
23   Tabasco       07.41.20  
12th Annual Sydney to Brisbane Prizes
H.E. Godden Memorial Trophy Storm Bay M. Tyquin  RQYS
Citizens of Mosman Trophy
First Yacht to Finish
City of Brisbane Trophy Ballyhoo Jack Rooklyn CYCA
Navigators Trophy Storm Bay B. Tickle
Mr Christian Trophy- first MHYC boat home Rough Red  Keith LeCompte* MHYC
  * This was a typo, but Keith says that Lindy did win the Bum Bitters Trophy???
Divisional Trophies
First Division
1 QCYC Trophy Ruthless P. Hill MHYC
2 MHYC Trophy Bushwaker F. Spencer CYCA
3 Alfred Grant P/L Trophy Willi Willi J. Hawley MHYC
Second Division
1 MHYC Trophy Storm Bay Tyquin RQYC
2 MHYC Trophy Onya of Gosford Peter Rysdyk CYCA
3 Kawana Estates P/L Trophy Haromony Geoff Foster MHYC
Arbitary Surfair International Trophy Hustler B. Climo CYCA
1 Harmony Geoff Foster MHYC
2 Boomerang III H.W. Findlay CYCA
3 Odyssey J. Gleeson MYC

Result Pictures



From Fran Marriott collection

Odyssey Crew: John Gleeson (owner/skipper), Charlie Herbert, Bob Beasley, Ron Derrin, John Duggan

More pictures on the Odyssey website

Start of the Sydney to Mooloolaba Yacht Race 1975
Start of the Sydney to Mooloolaba Yacht Race 1975
Start of the Sydney to Mooloolaba Yacht Race 1975
Start of the Sydney to Mooloolaba Yacht Race 1975
Mooloolaba Yacht Club 1975
Mooloolaba Yacht Club 1975
Mooloolaba Yacht Club 1975
Mooloolaba Yacht Club 1975
1975 Mooloolaba Beach from Headlands Hotel
1975 Mooloolaba Beach from Headlands Hotel
1975 Mooloolaba Beach
1975 Mooloolaba Beach
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