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Flying Cloud
Flying Cloud MH1
Flying Cloud MH1

Sail NumberMH1
ClubMiddle Harbour Yacht Club
Year Build1941 (age 84)
Owner (s)Togo Middows
Designer (s)George Griffin
Builder(s)George Griffin
Jim Perry
Former CrewJim Perry

Flying Cloud

 The first yacht on the register of the club was Flying Cloud (MH1), owned by H Middows and designed and built by George Griffin with Jim Perry at The Spit.


 From MHYC Archives

MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MHYC Register 1946/47
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
MH1 Flying Cloud
Flying Cloud MHYC 1940
Flying Cloud MHYC 1940
Start of MHYC Race in early 50
Start of MHYC Race in early 50's
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