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Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 1974
Love and War - winner of the 1974 Sydney to Hobart Yacht race

LocationSydney to Hobart
ClubCruising Yacht Club of Australia
Facebook SiteSydney-to-Hobart-Yacht-Race
Length of Race630nm

Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 1974

The 1974 race had 63 starters.

Division A: Love and War.

Division B: Vittoria.

Division C: Poitrel II.

Division D: Granny Smith

Fastest Time: Ondine III 3-13-51-56

Retired: Come By Chance, Pania II, Ragamuffin, Sirocco, Warn


For the first 24 hours the breezes were light and variable NE - SE.

On the second afternoon and night the fleet managed to cover useful ground running with a nor'easter up to 20 knots. The morning of the 28th was SSE 15-25 knots, which faded in the afternoon. On the fourth day the fleet sailed in W and NW winds  35 to 40 knots, with some experiencing puffs of 50-60 knots and fairly high seas.

Over the next two days conditions were a little easier with 10-30 knots WSW, although some yachts experienced much stronger breezes down the Tasmanian coast and around Tasman Island.

From the 1999 CYCA Official Program


Results of the 1974 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race
Boat Owner Division Sail Number Club Elapsed Time T.C.F. Corrected Time
Love and War Peter Kurts A 294 Cruising Yacht Club of Australia 4-04-27-20 0.850 3-13-25-02
Bumblebee 3 J.D. Kahlbetzer 1441 Cruising Yacht Club of Australia 4-01-03-51 0.904 3-15-47-05
Granny Smith W.Anderson D 5-06-47-59 0.702 3-16-57-46
Mercedes IV H.T.Kaufman 4-12-19-13 0.824 3-17-12-46
Fantasy Rag J.Musgrove 4-08-53-02 0.860 3-18-14-32
Apollo III Alan Bond 1661 4-02-58-56 0.913 3-18-19-16
Vittoria L.J.Abrahams B 4-16-36-36 0.806 3-18-48-31
Patrice III R.J.Kirby 4-09-30-22 0.861 3-18-52-21
Taurus A.M.Kelso 4-16-34-59 0.808 3-18-56-40
Koomooloo R.K.Young 4-18-42-19 0.793 3-18-58-22
Nudumsky L.Fallshaw 5-08-08-07 0.710 3-18-59-21
Ondine III S.A.Long 281 3-13-51-56 1.064 3-19-22-41
Polans L.H.Savage 4-17-01-41 0.809 3-19-24-20
Poitrel II J.Robson-Scott C 5-04-58-57 0.735 3-19-53-59
Apollo W.Rooklyn 4-00-52-48 0.952 3-20-14-22
Ballyhoo J.Rooklyn 3-16-52-21 1.043 3-20-39-31
Appaloosa R.T.Spence 5-07-33-34 0.727 3-20-40-19
Bacardi R.J.Gould & W.H.Rockliffe 4-18-37-33 0.810 3-20-47-23
Nike C.E.Davies 5-04-52-19 0.743 3-20-47-32
Gumblossom P.N.Joubert 5-12-59-54 0.699 3-20-57-57
Zilvergeest III A.J.Murray 5-08-05-38 0.726 3-21-02-04
Matika II A.Pearson 5-04-55-07 0.749 3-21-32-21
Ali Baba B.P.Walpole 5-04-05-45 0.756 3-21-46-01
Superstar K.Farfor 4-16-59-20 0.833 3-22-05-50
Duet J.P.Diamond 5-05-50-28 0.748 3-22-10-46
Dorothy II E.W.Wall-Smith 5-09-13-29 0.731 3-22-26-14
Balandra Army Eastern Command 4-19-56-14 0.815 3-22-27-14
Brutta Faccia G.Fornaro 5-02-16-15 0.774 3-22-39-43
Huon Chief H.D.Calvert 5-02-04-24 0.776 3-22-45-56
Mark Twain R.J.Langman 5-03-35-40 0.768 3-22-55-59
Binda A.M.Rundle 5-05-49-16 0.755 3-22-56-41
Lollipop P.W.Kline & I.T.Millar 5-15-30-11 0.702 3-23-04-08
Pandora H.James 5-01-01-29 0.787 3-23-11-53
Wild Goose I.D.Russell 5-05-55-44 0.764 4-00-11-04
Pintado E.H.Wilson 5-13-31-12 0.722 4-00-27-17
Brumby P.J. & R.S.Robinson 5-15-30-11 0.713 4-00-43-13
Antagonist R.F.Hickman 5-02-36-57 0.790 4-00-50-31
Bushwacker  F.Spencer 5-04-56-00 0.777 4-01-07-23
Onya of Gosford Peter Rysdyk 5-16-50-25 0.710 4-01-10-13
Willi Willi J.Hawley 4-18-05-18 0.853 4-01-18-22
Pegasus G.R.W.Snow 5-06-43-49 0.769 4-01-25-49
Ruffian J.Kinsella 5-01-03-50 0.809 4-01-52-49
Corroboree G.Hutchinson 5-07-33-43 0.770 4-02-15-40
Anaconda G.R.Ellis 4-19-32-44 0.854 4-02-40-33
Savant K.L.Cox 4-22-37-00 0.833 4-02-44-54
Cavelieri J.P.Partridge 5-21-35-35 0.699 4-02-55-52
Hustler P.Bates & B.Climo 4-18-37-25 0.867 4-03-19-17
Avalon E.J.Slight 5-06-28-58 0.797 4-04-47-38
Buccaneer T.E.Clark 4-00-24-54 1.048 4-05-00-50
Conquista J.P.Rochfort 5-22-23-07 0.710 4-05-06-47
Cordon Bleu  J.Violet 5-10-51-49 0.774 4-05-18-52
Saracen II J.H.Jamison 6-00-19-51 0.710 4-06-25-02
Helsal A.Fisher 4-00-50-43 1.067 4-07-21-12
Trevassa F.R.Duffield 5-10-19-55 0.806 4-09-05-12
Catriona B.C.Folbigg 5-20-01-01 0.756 4-09-54-31
Volante N.H.Price 4-17-04-57 0.942 4-10-30-44
Red Boomer II W.T.McNeill 5-11-14-24 0.805 4-20-06-29
Honeywind T.H.Bragg 6-01-42-00 0.816 4-22-55-13


Pictures from Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 1974

Bumblebee III (J.D.Kahlbetzer) - photo by Terry Carruthers
Ondine III (S.A.Long)and Apollo III (Alan Bond) - photo by Terry Carruthers
Ondine III (S.A.Long) - photo by Terry Carruthers
Love and War (Peter Kurts) - photo by Terry Carruthers
Bumblebee III (J.D.Kahlbetzer)- photo from YNSW 1975 Year Book
Results of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 1974 - from CYCA Official Program
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